Thursday, June 11, 2009

How servers talk to each other (Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast)

Believe it or not, servers in the network talk to each other just as we did.
Say, Charlse(me) wants to have a private conversation with Kelley, one to one. In the network jargon, this is called unicast. A unicast is a message intended for one other host.

In the same manner, I gave a lecture to a class of students, everybody in the classroom heard me. I don't intend to lecture the whole world. In the network, it is called multicast --a multicast is intended for a group of hosts.

So far, you may already know what broadcast is. Right, Charlse got a beautiful idea, he can't help but told everybody, and even persuade them to spead the message for him. That's exactly broadcast mean --a broadcast is intended for every host that can possibly receive it.

Broadcasts tend to result in more broadcasts, and if hosts on the network continue to answers broadcasts with broadcasts, we end up with a broadcast storm. So be careful with your crazy new idea. :)

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