Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to group splunk stats by common string in field value

We all know splunk can make time chart. For example, we want to know how many http requests are received on a particular type of servers. A typical splunk query could be:

index=http_stats_10d sourcetype=FRONT_END_LB host=*-mobileweb-* | timechart count by host

The timechart will be grouped by host such as pvd-mobileweb-001, pvd-mobileweb-002, pvd-mobileweb-003, chi-mobileweb-001, chi-mobileweb-002, tor-mobileweb-001, tor-mobileweb-002, tor-mobileweb-003.

Now let's assume we want to group the timechart by data site prefix string pvd, chi and tor instead of the whole hostname string. The following technique will do the trick.

eval site=mvindex(split(host, "-"), 0)

the above command reads, split host string by "-" and take the the index 0 element from the result array, and assign it to variable site. This way we extracts the prefix from the host string.

Now we can revise our splunk query to group by site instead of by host.

index=http_stats_10d sourcetype=FRONT_END_LB host=*-mobileweb-*
| eval site=mvindex(split(host, "-"),0)
| timechart count by site

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