Tuesday, October 9, 2018

tools for handling multiple ssh on mac os x

If you ever worked in cooperate environment or be the network administrator, you sometimes need to login many servers and check stuff simultaneously.

On windows, you can use putty or smart putty to handle multiple ssh connections.

Here are some tools for mac os x equivalent.



brew install csshx


csshx --login username host1 host2 host3 host4



download the mac version from the xterm website www.iterm2.com 


add a connection profiles:

click Profiles -> Open Profiles... -> Edit Profiles -> click the + sign to add a list of hostnames and ip addresses you would like to connect to -> when creating a host record, select command radio button then type in ssh command.

open multiple profiles simultaneously in tabs:

click Profiles -> Open Profiles... -> use shift or control key to hightlight a list of hosts you want to connect to -> click New Tab
The highlighted hosts will be connected and open in tabs.

send commands to multiple tabs:

click Shell -> Broadcast Input -> Broadcast Input to All Panels in All Tabs

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