Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Linux Commands - Hardware

* uname - print the OS information. "uname -a" display kernel-name, nodename, kernel-release, kernel version, machine, processor, hardware-platform, and operating system.
* dmesg - print comprehensive kernel and driver messages. For example, "dmesg >> file_to_mail_out.txt" output the information to a file for future trouble-shooting.
* top - display the system resources usage, and the updating processes.
* free - check memory usage.
* swapon - manage swap file or partition. "swapon -s" displays a summary of the swap usage.
* vmstat - display virtue memory information.
* lsof - list all the open files, sockets and pipes.
* tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.

* fdisk - manage disk partition. "fdisk -l" displays partition table.
* cfdisk - a easier progrom based on fdisk.
* fdformat - low-level format a floppy disk.

* eject - eject removable media.
* mount - unix file system is arranged in one big tree. mount attaches the file system found in some device into the big tree. "mount /dev/cdrom" mount the iso9660 file system found on the CDROM.
* unmount - unix file system is arranged in one big tree. unmount detaches the file system found in some device from the big tree. "unmount ./isoimage" unmount the iso9660 file system found on the file isoimage.

* import - "import screenshots" take a screen shots from x-window, save it to a file screenshots.

* ifconfig - displays the network interfaces.
* ifup - "ifup eth1" brings up a network interface eth1.
* ifdown - brings down a network interface.

* lpr - "lpr file.txt" sent the file.txt to default printer.
* lprm - remove the current printing job.
* pr - preformat a file for printing. "pr | lpr file.txt"

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