Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Windows multi-threading examples

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These examples are based on the stanford CS107 lecture 15 - lecture 20.

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Since C++ multi-threading library is operation system dependent, the codes listed here are tested on Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.

Windows Multithreading Helloworld
Several Agents are selling some amount of tickets in parallel, their access to the global parameter numTicketsp are synchronized by a Mutex.
The following code is tested on Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
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Simple Semaphor Example
A simple network server :
writer() grab data from network connection, then write characters to buffer, at the mean-time reader() constantly read character from the same buffer.
Two semaphors "emptyBuffer" and "fullBuffer" are used here to make sure reader() and writer() won't step onto each other.

The following code is tested on Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
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A little bit advanced Semaphor Example

Classic Five philosophers problem:
There are 5 philosophers who sit around a table. There is a folk between each neighboring philosopher. Each philosopher must grab two folks to be able to eat. Once a philosopher finished eating, he will put the forks back and waiting for the next chance to eat. The objective is to write a multi-threading program to simulate the situation.

The trick is -- suppose each philosopher is holding a folk at his/her left hand, and waiting for the philosopher at his right hand side to give up a fork. The philosopher at the right hand will not gonna to give up his fork, because he/she is also waiting for a fork from the right side...A dead-lock condition is thus created, nobody will be able to eat and they will be waiting forever.

To resolve the dead-lock, we only allow at most 4 philosophers to grab forks at any given moment, the rest philosophers have to wait.

The pseudocode is as follows:

Semaphore forks[]={1,1,1,1,1};
Semaphore numAllowedToEat(4);
void philosophor(int id)
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
The following code is tested on Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
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