Saturday, September 4, 2021

cycles around us

Assume the the big bang theory is correct, our universe is one of the big bangs. It is the cycle defines our basic life experience. Is the bubble expanding, contracting or motionless? Scientists think we are in an expanding universe. The space is increasing, which could shape fundamental physics law, such as entropy increases.

Next, what is our position in the bubble. If we are in the center, the materials around us are likely symmetrical, the forces from all directions are homogenous. If we are at the edge, the direction facing the center might not be the same to the other directions. Most likely the angular momentum from the big bang makes the universe rotate around the center. So the direction bias goes in a cycle.

The same thing applies to our position in galaxy, there could be a cycle.

Next, in the solar system, earth rotates around the sun, we get 4 seasons.

Earth rotates, we get day and night.

There are other cycles, sun's black spot, earth's rotating axis tilts, moon's rotate around earth for example, could change the climate, tidal pattern etc. on earth.

Now we come to the human realm.

Imagine our economy is in one of the big bangs. After the previous bubble bursts, what's left starts to form a new bubble. In an expanding economy, opportunity emerges, risk increases. Ample fundings fuel scientific research and technology advancement, business is booming. The energy for next technology big bang is accumulating.

The industries in the economic universe are not the same. The industry directly benefits from the technology breakthrough grows faster than the other. Different technology breakthroughs lights up and fades away wave by wave during history.

An industry itself has cycles. Finance for example, cycles around the interest rate. When policy makers lower the interest rate to stimulate economy, we saw stock market hot, bond market cold. Easy cash/loan creates lots of derivatives. House price increases, business expands. When economy expands too fast, inflation rate raises into dangerous zone, policy makers will increase the interest rate to suck out money supply. Bonds get higher coupon rate, thus attracts capital from riskier stock market, cool it down. In cooling down economy, interest rate raises, cash supply decreases, business contracts, safer investments such as TIPs, bills, notes, bonds, gold, CDs  and savings are favorable.

Due to these cycles, the world we live in is always changing and dramatic.


Monday, June 28, 2021

Grow Peas and cooking recipes

Did you know that you can eat pea shoots?

Pea shoots are the small beginnings of pea vines from seed to the 2nd leaf stage, where the lacy tendrils start to unfurl. Called micro greens, they are sweet and tender like the nicest sugar snap peas, munched raw right out of the pot. Like other micro greens they are full of antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. Pea shoots and other micro greens should be in your winter growing plans. Further, home grown pea shoots are sweeter and more tender than commercially grown pea shoots.

Grow outdoors

Germination temperature 60F-70F. Sow seed directly outdoors in full sun, in spring or fall, when temperatures are cool. Sow seeds 3" apart and 3/4" deep. Germination is 7 to 21 days depending upon growing conditions.

Sprouting Pea Seeds For Micro-greens

  • soak seeds for 12 hours before planting
  • place the growth pad into a tray (a plate, bowl, etc). For better effect, cut the growth pad thin.
  • add peas and water in 
  • put the tray at a dark place until germinate
  • move pea shoots on a windowsill or under a grow light.
  • ready in 5 to 8 days, cut and come again
  • water as required, do not allow to dry out
You can eat the pea shoots at different stages.

Pea shoots recipes

Rinse the pea shoots thoroughly in cold water twice, lightly drain.
In a large wok or skillet over high heat, heat oils add ginger, garlic and sugar. Toss and add shoots, soy, & oyster sauce.
Stir-fry for two to three minutes, or until the leaves soften and are tender. Remove shoots leaving the liquid in pan. Place shoots on serving dish. Reduce the remaining liquid by 1/2. Pour over shoots and serve immediately.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

stuck shark model NV 450 26 vacuum dust cup unlock button stuck

"My Shark model NV 450 26 dust cup unlock button stopped working – I can’t remove my dust cup." 

My shark model NV 450 26 dust vacuum has been idle for a while. It used to be easy to use, we press the dust cup release button, the dust container will be lifted up easily. This time, we press the button, the dust container stucks. We have tried to pull it up hard, the rubber is almost bent and about broken, but nothing works. Maybe the button is broken.

I googled and found the above question in a forum, but there is no reply. I also tried to search image and understand how the button works, there were a few blur images. I also searched the manual, no solution, no image of the button or how it works. The amazon product don't explain it neither. The ebay has a few posts with parts image. I saw the image of the dust cup unlock button and believe it is too dumb to be broken.

Not sure why it is so hard to find information online for such a simple thing.

With that confidence about the button, we figure out the following way of unstuck the dust cup unlock button with some try error:

Have one person press that button, another person pull the dust cup sideward, (don't pull the dust cup upward), the dust container easily popped out. 

Since I can not reply that "My Shark model NV 450 26 dust cup unlock button stopped working – I can’t remove my dust cup." on the original website, I decided to post the solution here.

I spent time searching it, so I post it, hope it helps. 

By the way, after pulling the dust container off, it turns out the dust cup unlock button is very simple and robust.

Look at the images.

When the button is up, a latch hold the container in place. 

Once the button is down, the latch is pressed down as well, no longer holds the container.

At this point, the container is free to move sideward. If the vacuum is not used for a long time, grease etc. will glue it in place, you need some force to move it. 

Trying to pull it upward won't work, the dust container is not able to move upward before moving sideward first. That is what got us at the beginning.


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